40 exceptional experts are making a positive difference for children throughout the world. It is extremely wonderful that they have each shared their knowledge in an insight in this most recent Brain Insights publication which is based on the Neuro-Nurturing Model.

Provided here are the names and links of the experts. You will be able to learn more and explore what they have to offer.
The list of experts are in order of the appearance in the, What Children Need Most is Adults that Understand Development ringed book:


Physical Needs

Gill Connell, Co-Founder,  Moving Smart and Look What I Kandu, www.LookWhatIKandu.com 
Cheryl McCarthy, Co - Founder Moving Smart and Look What I Kandu; Creative Director; Co-Author. www.LookWhatIKandu.com


Lynne Kenney, PsyD Pediatric Psychologist, Wellington-Alexander Center & Alice Li, BS Boston College  www.lynnekenney.com

Lauren Foster, MS,CCC/SLP-RET, CNHP, Powerful Project, Inc  www.powerfulproject.org

BG Mancini AP, PCP, FMP Brain Gut Movement® www.braingutinstitute.com

Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH 

Deborah Wilson, NBC-HWC, FMCHC, LMC, DPP LC Founder, Well Gate Health www.wellgatehealth.net

Bec Slater - Bec The Baby Massage Lady Certified Infant Massage Instructor - CIMI https://IAIM.net/

Christine Clinton, Global Wellness for Children Initiative, International Massage educator for over 30 years

Mag Secretario, Cocreator, Good Life Sleep

Lori Lite, Founder, Author, Founder, Parenting Expert Stress Free Kids www.stressfreekids.com


Dr. Vivien Sabel, Author, Artist, Filmmaker, Senior Lecturer at Leeds Beckett University www.viviensabel.com

Ann McKitrick, MS, Founder, Nurtured Noggins www.nurturednoggins.com

Elly Taylor, Founder and Author of Becoming Us www.BecomingUsFamily.Com

Clare Stead, Founder, Oliiki First 1000 days app, www.oliikiapp.com

Sue Atkins, Parenting Author, Speaker & Broadcaster www.Sueatkinsparentingcoach.com 

Stella Stead, MLdshp, Owner- Stella Stead Consulting www.stellastead.com.au

Dr. Dan Wuori, Founder and President of Early Childhood Policy Solutions LLC www.ecpolicysolutions.com

Dr Rosina McAlpine, Author and Founder, Win-Win Parenting  www.WinWinParenting.com

Beth Tyson, MA, Owner, Beth Tyson Trauma Consulting www.BethTyson.com

Carey Sipp, Consultant on Public Health/Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences


Jan Ference, BEd, MS in Counselling, Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow, RCCwww.linkedin.com/in/janfer/

Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD Founder: Kidlutions: Solutions for Kids http://www.kidlutions.com

Michelle LaRowe, Nanny Educator and Consultant www.MichelleLaRowe.com

Jane Evans, Childhood trauma expert, parenting coach and The Lasting Life Change Coach. Author of 4children’s books, co-creator of the trauma-informed Healing Together Programmes at Innovating Minds. www.thejaneevans.com

Michele Borba, Ed.D www.micheleborba.com

Ava Parnass, BEHAVIOR DETECTIVE All Ages All Stages MSN CS RN www.avaparnass.com 

Larisa Hutchins, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist Lk2hutch@att.net

Jill C Obremskey, MD, MMHC, FAAP

J .Michael Atwater, PhD Private Practice, Clinical Psychology Program Director, www.GenesisCE.org

Andrea Jebb, CEO of Junior Genius Ireland, Co founder of Junior Genius Global and Author of Captain Cutie Pie www.Juniorgenius.ie


Tiffanie Noonan, Physician, Founder EPIC Parenting

Terri Britt, 

Rae Pica, Early Childhood Education Consultant & Author, Rae Pica Keynotes & Consulting www.raepica.com

Roseann Murphy, 

Marlaine Cover, Social Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, Founder of Parenting 2.0 www.parenting2pt0.org

Raffi Cavoukian, Musician, author and founder of Child Honouring. www.raffifoundation.org

Debbie Clement, Music Lady/Author & Illustrator, Rainbows Within Reachwww.RainbowsWithinReach.com

Lisa Murphy, M.Ed.,Early Childhood Specialist, Speaker and  Author  www.ooeygooey.com

 Zuly Vazquez, M.Ed, Senior Manager of EHS Online Professional Development www.nhsa.org